The term “forensic” is poorly known to most people in Russia. Forensic means financial investigations, or corporate fraud investigations.
A series of comics from EXPERT DISCOVERY demonstrates the nature of forensic services inspired by actual investigations executed by EXPERT DISCOVERY’s team.
Managing partner of the company – SOFIA IEVENKO - clarifies criteria of professionalism in the area of fraud investigations, as well as destroys existing myths and delusions.
Expert Discovery Team wishes you and your family wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May peace, love and prosperity follow you always. Enjoy a wonderful holiday season!
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
Managing Partner Sofia Ievenko and CFO CAFE (internet portal for CFOs and CEOs) bring up for discussion some fraud issues existing in the banking institutions. The discussion is presented in a new article “Hidden pitfalls of credit monitoring”
CFO CAFE (internet portal for CFOs and CEOs) published "Under the mask of Zorro", recent article by Sofia Ievenko. The article reveals fraud schemes involving personnel and counteragents of insurance companies.
Investigations for the benefit of minority shareholders
Facts of ignorance of lawful interests or sheer deception of minority shareholders have recently become a common topic of public disclosure.
GRC & Fraud Software Journal issued a press release about Expert Discovery presenting description of the Manufacturing Forensics product which is associated with using of the analytics solutions within investigations.
Full version of the press release see at
Expert Discovery has launched a new forensic product for Pharma producers and Health Care Facilities (HCF) – «Pharmaceutical & Life Science Forensic».
Expert Discovery made a presentation at the conference «Risk management of Microfinance Institutions», which took place on April 15th 2016.
Expert Discovery has launched a new forensic product for insurers – «Insurance Forensic».
Expert Discovery has launched a new forensic product for manufacturers – «Manufacturing Forensic».
Expert Discovery has launched a new forensic product for Banking industry – «Banking Forensic».
Expert Discovery launched a new product – HACCP compliance services for food manufacturers.
On January 25, 2016 Expert Discovery with assistance of Federation of Restaurateurs & Hoteliers of Russia (FRIO) conducted a practical training for restaurants.
Practical training for owners and top-management of the restaurants will take place on January 25, 2016
Expert Discovery represents a new forensic product for hospitality industry – HoReCa Forensic.
Expert Discovery in collaboration with attorneys of Vlasov Family represents a brand new forensic product – FLSAP (Forensic & Litigation Support in Arbitration Proceedings).
Expert Discovery with collaboration of Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers represents the results of the first annual survey “Fraud in Hospitality industry”.
63 industry representatives located in all parts of Russia, CIS and Europe such as cafes, restaurants, hotels, bars, bowling and other clubs took part in the survey.
Expert Discovery in collaboration with Federation of Restaurateurs & Hoteliers of Russia (FRIO) conducts a survey among representatives of hospitality industry.
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